Don’t you just look forward to winter?
I love the season. There’s the holidays with family, the waking up to see a clean blanket of snow covering everything in sight, and let’s not forget all that extra exercise…
By exercise, I mean shoveling snow.
There’s nothing quite like waking up an hour or two earlier so that you can drag out that extra wide orange blade and bust your back on your driveway and sidewalks.
If you’re 55 or older, maybe this scene is less appealing to you than I’ve made it out to be. After all, you’ve probably shoveled more driveways than you care to repeat.
This season promises a lot of snow.
Last year
In Utah, we boast of having the greatest snow on earth. While we’ve had winters that haven’t always lived up to this, we’ve also had winters that have really made that slogan shine.
For example, last year, we had so much snow. Some weeks it felt like the snow would never stop. It’s been a long time since I’d seen snow like we had in 2016-2017.
By the time spring rolled around, my back wanted to cry with relief.
This year
While I’m no weatherman, I do know how to read the weather forecasts. What they’re saying, is that the same weather pattern that delivered record snowfall for last year will likely remain for this year. This suggests greater than normal snow falls for 2017-2018.
So the real question is, have you bought your new snow shovel yet, or are you ready to make the move that will let you throw away that thing for good?
Exercise is great
While we all want to keep in shape, wouldn’t you rather get your exercise on your own terms and not have it dependent on the weather?
Our clubhouses offer the best equipment for keeping those holiday pounds from sticking. Best of all, you can do it all without donning the snowsuit and boots.
No matter how you look at it, shoveling snow is a chore
Some people like to shovel snow, some hate it. Some can’t even do it at all—and if they could, we might feel guilty letting them.
Being considered an active adult, does not mean that you have to physically strain yourself every time Jack Frost comes blowing through. Most people, when they think of active adult living, they see images of themselves doing all the things that were too hard when they still had kids living at home with them.
By too hard, I don’t mean heavy or unpleasant. Travel, play, and even making real friends are part of flourishing as an empty nester. Living in an active adult community is meant to support this exciting lifestyle.
If you’ve been toying with the idea of moving soon, come visit us today. We sell out fast, but we still have a couple of homes that might finish up before the winter season gets too far along.