My favorite holiday is followed up by my least favorite way of celebrating it.
Forgive me if this article has nothing to do with senior communities or Leisure Villas. We all celebrate the holidays differently, and I just felt like writing a few of my personal thoughts on this holiday.
For instance, I don’t consider myself obsessed with the food aspect of the holidays. As an example, I could think of a few things I’d much rather do with those Thanksgiving yams, than stick them in my face, but I digress.
Thanksgiving is perhaps my favorite holiday, because it reminds us to give thanks for the many things we have.
In today’s consumer driven, cynical world, it’s all too easy to forget the simple things.
It’s not about what we have…
Things to be thankful for
Whether you’ll be celebrating this Thanksgiving with a bountiful feast, or a meager meal, there is always something to be thankful for.
Utah is a diverse place, if not in race or ethnicity, at least in cultural experience. An above average portion of the population has spent considerable time outside of the U.S., many living in impoverished nations around the world.
For many, the lessons of love have been overly emphasized from those experiences. A holiday celebration doesn’t need the biggest turkey, or the expensive ham. In the past, I’ve personally celebrated the holidays with little more than a can of Spam.
What makes the holidays grand, is the relationships we build, and the thankful heart we foster. Even if we have little, we can always dig deep and find rich blessings that have enriched our lives.
Not always joyous
For some of us however, the holidays will forever mark the sad milestones. Being lonely for the holidays is not often easy. There is however a ray of sunshine.
While few relationships can replace family, friendships can still be a powerful balm. Nobody wants to be burden, but if you are facing a lonely holiday, don’t hide. Almost unfailingly, your friends, if they knew, would welcome you with open arms to celebrate the holiday with them. You would be less a burden than a blessing to their home. Really!
Black Friday
I understand this is an opinionated article, especially when I get to many people’s favorite part of Thanksgiving. Sorry if you disagree. I personally think that Black Friday is aptly named, since it puts a black mar on the spirit of Thanksgiving.
It quickly reminds me that we don’t live in a world where warm sentiment reigns supreme. We live in a world where the acquisition of stuff is the highlight of the holidays, and if you can get that worldly treasure at a discount, then all the better.
I like deals as much as the next person. I just wish that they chose another day for this shopping holiday. August for example, could use its own holiday. What better time to have a shopping holiday, than in a month when all your kids need to buy their back-to-school stuff anyway.
Shoot, why not kill two birds with one stone, and use the holiday to emphasize the importance of education for our children, and us? Of course, then I’d be digging myself a paradox where I’d be complaining about the commercialization of our children’s education. Maybe I can never win.
Okay, so maybe this is just the ramblings of a nut-case like me, but hey, I feel better now. I hope you feel good too, and that you take the time this year to reminisce on the good times, and to strengthen those bonds, be it family, friends, or neighbors.